I won the best comments on Lemon8

I love the letschat comments challenges. It’s the most fun way to increase engagement on Lemon8 You meet so many new people and get to explore a wide range of topics. Lots of which you might’ve never even thought about before.
I’m happy to announce that I’ve won for BEST comments for this October’s comment challenge ⁉️🥳🎉 This means that I’ll be getting the coveted $25 gift card. It’s perfect timing, really. We are in the midst of the Halloween season, which is one of my favorite holidays, and the gift card will come in handy for Christmas shopping.
This is also special because it is discussing promise rings. An item and topic I hold dear to my heart. I love my ring given to me by my love. It’s a mixed metal diamond ring with a swirl pattern that is truly unique. I wear it every day. So thank you to him for this, too.
Thank you Lemon8 US, Letschat and, Lemon8comment for featuring me and for my gift card! I’m in love with Lemon8!