Currently Reading: Icons of Fashion

With the beginning of the year came a rekindling of my love of reading. Given that there are so many streaming services to choose from it’s easy to get caught up in watching shows and movies instead of reading. Not to mention that social media is always ripe for the viewing. It’s also ready and able to help you get pulled into it and the next thing you know you’re consuming digital content for hours on end each day.
But there’s always been something about a book to me. Discovering a good book is like the ultimate treasure hunt. Not only do you get to find said thing, you get to consume it and you are enriched by its contents. There is nothing like having a notion in mind, then searching, sometimes scouring bookstores and sellers, until you find the book that fits your needs and feeds your curiosity. It truly is a process; one that I thoroughly enjoy, no matter how frustrating it can sometimes be.
Thus, this year, I’m making a concerted effort to unplug from digital media and dive back into books. Not only will it give my mind a break, it will give my eyes a much needed moment away from the luminated screens that are our current technological lifestyle.

The first book I’m diving into is: “Icons Of Fashion”. This selection is a highly detailed account of fashion throughout the entire twentieth century. Not only do the authors detail each decade, they discuss the major, well known designers and movements, as well as popular clothing items that became classics.

I’ve always been intrigued by fashion staples, such as the little black dress, or the crisp white shirt. And I’ve wondered how they came to be iconic. This book illustrates these phenomenons. “Icons of Fashion” is a collaborative effort, with more than 25 authors. If you have a love for fashion and style, give this book a read.
