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Holiday Fashion

It’s that time again. The time for deciding what to wear for New Year’s Eve (NYE). You’ve survived Christmas and worn all the ugly sweaters, or were you the one who chose not to dress in theme this year? Either way, it’s on to the start of a new year, and with it comes deciding how you want to look to bring in said new year. I was recently in a debate with some of my fashion friends on twitter, and we were all about NYE clothing and why we don what we don. One of the questions was whether or not to wear glitter. It’s astounding to me because people tend to think that NYE and the holidays surrounding Christmas are the only times it is okay to wear glitter, and even then it needs to be scaled down to maybe only an accent. As for me, instead of standing in the cold looking at a ball drop, I like to BE the sparkly ball for New Year’s Eve. NYE is the perfect time to load up on glitter! I really don’t attest to using glitter or sparkly things sparingly on New Year’s Eve. Why not utilize the moment to let your glimmering heart soar. Open those eyeshadow frosts and shimmers. Grab those sequins. Let yourself shine! Have fun with the turn of the calendar, and set the year up to go just how you want it. Happy New Year, warriors!  

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