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Pantone Announces Greenery as Color of the Year

Pantone officially declared that greenery is the color of the year. What exactly does this mean for you and I, neé the world at large? It means that this is the time to refocus on the good and upliftment of all of us. In order to do this we must look to ourselves first. Whatever areas of your life are stressing you out? Whichever people are negative in your atmosphere, now is the time to get a good look inside and do some pruning.

Ask yourself the questions of: What areas of my life need rejuvenating? Where can I do better for my health as my body deserves? How can I help the planet and my fellow man? Now is the time to look around you and appreciate all the splendor that is life, that is humanity, health, and new beginnings. 

Green can take on many forms, all of which deserve our attention right now: vegetables, grass, lush fruits, and the list goes on. Here is what the company had to say about their color choice: 

Take care of yourselves Warriors,

The Glamour Gladiator 

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